Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Overheard...

A husband and his wife were happily shopping at the mall. I overheard the following conversation:

Hubby: You look chubby in that outfit!
wife: ignoring his comments
hubby: (after 3 mins) you walk like an old woman in those heels.
wife: ignoring still....
hubby: you have so many fine lines, you should work on your facial mask
wife: no comment...
hubby: you have no fashion taste, your clothes don't look nice.
wife: .........

After dinner:

hubby: you're not allowed to have the whole mini ice-skin mooncake! you eat too much, you're too overweighed. You always have big eat more than I do....blah blah
wife: exploded!! finally...


Hera said...

I hope the hubby is not RAY!

Joanne said...

I'm not pointing fingers!

ray said...


That is soooooooooooooo


Hera said...

hmm. Ray, that's not very nice! Don't do that to your wife!

ray said...

what da?! Hera! That was not me!

wiwian said...

did ray sleep on the couch that night? :)

Joanne said...

no, he slept in the garage.