Sunday, May 27, 2007

Elevator Access at the Mall

Ever since we brought Caitlyn to the mall, we have to pay close attention to the direction for elevator access. Sometimes we walk around and around and just can't find it. Anyways, I noticed a sign at the elevators saying "Please give priority to wheelchairs and strollers" But why don't we ever get first priority? All we see is healthy consumers with shopping bags get in and quickly take up the space. Escalators are everywhere, why can't these consumers make use of them rather than wasting time waiting? I don't get it! And I have to say that our largest shopping centre in Burnaby is really not stroller friendly.


ray said...

I could have sworn that I wanted to blog about this for the longest time! I can't believe that I managed to slip every time. I guess I was disappointed, and thinking ppl are hopeless. But then to be fair and look on the bright side, here is a lot better than that of in HK. I've seen some places in hk that you need to climb up/down a couple stairs to get to an elevator. So go figure... :)

Joanne said...

If you compare the facilities and accessibility here in North America to those in HK, of course we're in heaven. But we pay so much taxes living here, can't we deserve better life?